Monday, June 2, 2008

Sunday Dinners and Summer Jobs

Yesterday, Dino and I took a little mini roadtrip. Since my ward doesn't have primary classes (hooray for singles wards), we decided to head up to Saratoga to go to church with the cousins! We walked into Sacrament Meeting a little bit late and decided to sit in the back so as not to disturb the peace. Dino went to classes with his cousin, and I decided to go to Uncle Matt's Primary Class. One of our cute little cousins was in his class, so we had a grand ol' time. Little cousin sat on my lap during sharing time and then it was off to class! Uncle Matt taught a good little lesson and then we colored pictures. It made me miss family wards. Perhaps I'll go to one even though I'm my own family right now...

After church, we went to the cousin's house to have dinner. It was absolutely SCRUMPTIOUS! Much better than the left-over chicken nuggets and french fries we were destined to eat at my house. We had a delicious chicken concoction over rice, fresh fruit, rolls with homemade jelly, and some raspberry jello. Thanks Suzy! You made a marvelous meal.

After dinner, we headed home and we got a phone call from DAD! He was on his way to Utah and we convinced him to go to Lagoon with us tomorrow! (We're still crossing our fingers that we can convince Uncle Mark to come...)

...In other news...
My roommate, Alicia, and I decided to start a business. We still will work our summer jobs, but we had a brilliant idea! We are going to do birthday parties for children! I can decorate cakes, Alicia can make pinatas... We have yet to iron out the kinks, but we are SO excited! If you have any incredimazing ideas for themes we should build parties around, let me know!

But despite our outstanding business idea... I'm still looking for a summer job, so if anyone hears about a full-time well-paying job in Provo for which essentially no skill is required, let me know! Until then, I suppose I'll keep looking...

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