Thursday, June 12, 2008

Feeding the Missionaries!!!

I got a job working at the cafeteria in the MTC (Missionary Training Center) and last night was my first day! After hearing the tales of friends that have worked/do work there, I thought to myself that there was no possible way I would see anyone I knew that is currently in the MTC... well I was wrong! I saw Elder (Tyler) Yorgason, Elder (Miles) Poole (it was his first day!), Elder (Andrew) Smith, Elder (Phil) Gulbrandsen (from across the room, so I know he didn't see me) and Sister (Tamari) Miller!!! It was so fun to see all of my friends out on missions getting ready to serve the Lord! The work I do isn't hard, and it seems even easier since I'm serving the missionaries. I think working there even one night strengthened my desire to serve a mission! Only a year a half...

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