Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy Sunday!

Dino and I have had some great adventures these last couple of weeks! We’ve had a great time and it’s been especially fun to spend some time with Dad the last few days. This week, we got to go to Lagoon, spend the night at the cousin’s house, go to the animal museum, go out to eat with Dad and visit Uncle Roger and his wife. We really had a blast! I’ve enjoyed the week off, but starting next week, I’m working at the MTC, so it’s back to work! Hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s off to work I go…

This week, Dino and I decided to hit up a random family ward for church and we had a really good time. I live two blocks away from two different chapels, so we chose a chapel and decided to attend. It was really good! (Dino even said that he wanted to go back to that same ward if he ever comes to visit again!) I’m really glad we chose that ward because the relief society lesson was exactly what I needed! Funny though, I didn’t know I needed that when I walked into the room…

Our lesson was about prayer. We started out talking about Joseph Smith and the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon. Let me explain a little bit about them. Joseph Smith (the man that restored the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the 1830’s) was translating the Book of Mormon from a set of gold plates he had received. He had been instructed to show no one the plates, so he was bearing a burden on his own. In translating the book, he discovered that three people would be called as special witnesses. At that time, three men (Martin Harris, David Whitmer and Oliver Cowdery) prayer to know if they could have the privilege of being those three witnesses. While praying, Martin Harris didn’t feel worthy and withdrew from the party. Eventually all three were granted that privilege.

We used this as a springboard to talk about prayer and how even the greatest of sinners is worthy to come in humility to our Heavenly Father in prayer. It was a touching lesson and I got a lot of good ideas on how to develop my relationship with Heavenly Father and become more sincere in my prayers.

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